
Hello, It''s Me (I'm the Problem, It's Me)

 Hello. My name is Evi.  I am 36 (and a half) years old.  I currently live and work in London but I'm originally from the Republic of Cyprus.  I had to distinguish the Republic, as people don't often know - or realise  - that my country is one of the few countries on the planet, that are actually split in half. But that's a story for a later post.  I have started this blog because...well, because I have nowhere to speak really.  I have been living in the UK permanetly for the past 7 years (nearly) and I've managed to gain all but one true friend. A Portuguese woman, who, I don't call as often as I'd like.  But there's a reason for that... Depression.  In the seven years I've been living here, six of those I've been on antidepressants. I was diagnosed with severe depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies in early 2017 and with PTSD in late 2019.  In these seven years, I have also been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 - which I'm doing everythi